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一、at school day 还是on school day?

on school day,例如:

1.On school day, what is the maximum speed through school zones in the city town or villages?在城市内上学日,在穿过校区地带时,最高的时速是多少?

2.Ironed shirts on a school day.在上学的日子穿熨烫整洁的衬衣。

3.On the school opening day, I rose up very early, earlier than usual, because I was greatly excited to see my new school.开学那一天,我很早起身,比平常时还早,因为我很兴奋的要看看我的新学校。

二、school day和School Day的区别?

school day 是上学日的意思,也就是从星期一到星期五这些上学日,school days是指学生时代。这两者意思不同的school day 英 [sku:l dei] 美 [skul de]


1.He favors extending the school day and school year.


2.The school day is divided into seven periods.


3.The council does not support lengthening the school day to fit in other activities.


三、my first day of school?

On my first day of school, I could feel the eagerness of all my classmates to absorb what professors were teaching.


I made the acquaintance of my best friend at the first day of my high school life.


When I recall my first day at school, I know I'm not remembering the event itself, but more my last act of remembering it.


四、a busy school day作文?

I am very busy in school day。why? because I must look textbooks every day and do many homework。

Is a busy school day!

五、school day前还加a吗?

不一定要用加a,school day可以是任何一天的上学日子。

六、A busy school day英语作文。?

I get up at six in the morning. Then I wash my face and brush my teeth. After a quick breakfast, I go to school in my mother's car

七、英语作文School sports day?

LastMonday,Iwokeupveryearly.Becauseitwasgoingtobetheschoolsportsday.Itwasgoingtobethesportsday.Firstourteachertookustothestadium,Isawmanyclasseswerethethere. 8o'clock,theteacherstookustotheinnerpartofthestadium,wewillcelebratetheschoolsportsday. About9o'clockwecametotheouterpartofthestadiumagain.Theschoolsportsdaystarted!Wefirstsawmanyfirstgradestudentsraninthe60metersdash,100metersdashandjumpinthestandingbroadjump.Thanwewewatchedthegrades2,3,4ranandjumptoo! Atlast,Itwasourturn,ourclasswonmanyprizes,Johnsonwasthefirstinthe60metersdashandsecondinthestandingbroadjump,andEvanwasfirstinthestandingbroadjump!Theywereverygood! Intheafternoon,weallplayedapartintheclassactivty.Ourclassgotsecond!Ifeelveryproudofourclass!Iwish:thenextschoolsportsmeetingwewillbebetter! 你自己修改下就好了

八、school day是什么意思?

school day 教学日 school day 教学日. school holidays 假期. curriculum 课程. subject 学科. 学校上课日 school day 学校上课日 school night 学生有课的晚上 school party 校会 school play school day is Aperil 19th 4月19日是教学日

九、school day前要加a吗?


winter break:I'm going skiing during winter break.我放寒假期间去滑雪.

Christmas:It's snowing on Christmas day.圣诞节那天在下雪.

weekend:What are you doing next weekend?你下周末打算干什么?

school day 前面也不需要:I can't play computer games on school days.我上学时不能打电子游戏.


It's a school day tomorrow,I can't stay up too late.明天我还要上学,所以不能睡得太晚.

But it'll be the weekend,sure you can have some fun.可是那是在周末,你难道就不能放松一下吗?

十、My first day in this school 英语作文?

My first day in school was unforgettable.

When I entered school my classmates came running up and asked my name. When I entered the classroom my teacher told me to sit in the first bench.

During the lunch break I was very happy to eat with my new friends. After lunch my teacher told us stories and showed us pictures. When bell rang, I was first sad to leave my friends, but knew I could come back the next day. After that, I was not at all frightened of school.

My first day experience in school remains fresh in my mind and will remain forever.